Silent Hill 3 Selected Endgame Stats Ending Type: Normal Normal Normal Action Level: Normal (3/5) Extreme 1 (5/5) Extreme 2 (5/5) Riddle Level: Hard (5/5) Easy (1/5) Normal (3/5) Clear Time: 6h50m01s (2/10) 3h39m31s (5/10) 1h34m51s (10/10) Split worm kill time: 2m46s (1/2) 3m39s (1/2) 2m10s (1/2) Missionary kill time: 1m38s (2/2) 10s (2/2) 10s (2/2) Leonard kill time: 2m30s (2/2) 2m47s (2/2) 1m27s (2/2) Memory of Alessa kill time: 4m33s (1/2) 1m07s (2/2) 1m02s (2/2) The god kill time: 3m17s (2/2) 6m50s (2/2) 5m31s (2/2) Clear number: 1 (1/5) 3 (5/5) 4 (5/5) Save & continue number: 77 (0/5) 52 (0/5) 42 (0/5) Item number: 188 (20/20) 133 (20/20) 138 (20/20) Extra weapon number: 5 (5/5) 5 (5/5) Defeated enemy by shooting: 32 (6/15) 240 (15/15) 4 (0/15) Defeated enemy by fighting: 52 (10/15) 0 (0/15) 1 (0/15) Total damage: 2031 (1/5) 557 (4/5) 411 (5/5) Rank reduction: XWeap (-1) XWeap (-1) RANK: 5.6 6.8 6.1 *"XWeap" stands for "Extra weapon used" Notes: After each completion of the game, you get to view your stats, and are assigned a ranking based on how well you did. The categories listed above in the leftmost column are the various stats that you are judged on. Each stat listed is followed by a fraction in parentheses. This represents the number of stars received out of the number of stars possible for each stat. The number of stars you receive determines your final ranking. Each star is worth a tenth of a point. So to get a perfect 10 star ranking, you must acquire all 100 stars. The first completion listed here was my first run through the game. As you can see, I took plenty of time enjoying the game, saved often, took a lot of damage, and killed a medium number of enemies (running is your friend). The second completion listed was the time I went through the game making a point to kill everything in sight (with the exception of one area). As you can see, I earned a whopping 240 kills, and every single one with the Unlimited SMG. For the third completion listed, I ran through the entire game not killing a single enemy, except for the 5 bosses. I finally beat the clear time threshold, though my saves were still far too often. That's just the kind of player I am. I'm very cautious. Beating the game in only 2 saves is a terrifying proposition for me. What if something goes horribly wrong?! I was finally able to beat the split worm in time to get 2 stars on my next playthrough, not shown here. So it looks like the key to getting a much better ranking for me would be to save a lot less, and make sure to kill enough enemies in the right ways - without sacrificing the things I'm already doing right.