Guitar(s) used: Rhapsody, Meddle

Explanation: This is one of the more complex songs I've worked out so far. It originated from a rant that I wrote out which was similar to the lyrics of Clear As Mud, but I didn't like them enough to feature them in the song. So I just sort of summarized the ideas and stuck them at the beginning and end of the song. The piece is meant to be rather atmospheric and moody, and there's a number of musical influences that I threw in, in various forms.


We are born with the wings of angels, but as we grow, the world twists and torments our souls into wicked and demonic shapes. The purity of innocence gives way to perversion, in the form of knowledge.

How much of life is about fulfilling my dreams, and becoming who I want to be? And how much is about reality, and coming to terms with who I am? Why am I forced to desire things that I cannot have?