Welcome to my Guestbook!
Furry Cat - 08/04/00 21:15:26
My URL:http://www.callmemrcat.com/
My Email:furrycat@callmemrcat.com
Interest: Eating grass and killing small furry animals
Favorite RPG: Does hunting count?
Favorite Color Chocobo: The kind thats easy to hunt
Favorite Type Greens: Grass. Or Catnip
Favorite Type Nuts: Brown Nuts
I like your site. Very amusing.
Billy Bob Yokel - 06/10/00 03:45:12
My URL:http://www.ruralamerica.com/
My Email:sloth@ruralamerica.com
Interest: Farmin' and plowin'
Rank My Site(1-10): -37.2456782109874653445655656565
Favorite RPG: Any one with farmin' in it
Favorite Color Chocobo: Farmin' color
Favorite Type Greens: Farmin'
Favorite Type Nuts: Farmin'
I like farmin'. Farmin's fun and so's plowin'. Your sight sucks. You should include stuff on farmin' and plowin' and raisin' real farm animals, not them Pokemon nor them Chocobos. Yer wastin' yer time. Be a farmer an go farmin' with me
David Allen - 06/10/00 01:13:30
My URL:http://www.norwolf.com
My Email:Webmaster@norwolf.com
Interest: Bagpipes, RPGs, website development
Favorite RPG: Dragon Warrior 4
Favorite Color Chocobo: Black
Congrats on a pretty well done job. You need to start working on information for Final Fantasy 7 and 8 since probably most people come to this site to learn about those games. Overall, you did a great job on your site!
p_bredow_v - 06/01/00 03:34:59
My URL:http://geocities.com/p_bredow_v
My Email:piccolo@crystal-tokyo.com
Interest: rpg and anime
Rank My Site(1-10): i don`t know
Favorite RPG: FF 7
Favorite Color Chocobo: black
Favorite Type Greens: silkus greens
Favorite Type Nuts: zeio
I love the chocobos just like you do
Come and visit my place
and maybe you'll put my link and i'll put your`s.
Dre - 05/11/00 16:07:58
Interest: soccer
Favorite RPG: FF7
Favorite Color Chocobo: gold
Favorite Type Greens: slykis
Favorite Type Nuts: carob
this is an alright site you should have more pictures
Eugene V. Debs - 04/10/00 02:36:24
My URL:http://www.newyouth.com/
My Email:evdebs@newyouth.com
Interest: Socialism
Favorite RPG: FF8
Favorite Color Chocobo: Gold
Favorite Type Greens: Socialist
Favorite Type Nuts: Socialist
Your site is the product of a capitalist society which tells you to hype these chocobos
Capitalism blows - 04/10/00 02:26:48
My URL:http://www.newyouth.com
My Email:socialist@newyouth.com
Interest: Socialism
Rank My Site(1-10): -20
Favorite RPG: FF8
Favorite Color Chocobo: Gold
Favorite Type Greens: Socialist
Favorite Type Nuts: Socialist
Your site is a product of a capitalist society which feeds you this hype
Douglas Donoughe-aka Son Gokou - 01/17/00 23:17:20
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/dbzmaster1
My Email:SUperJeice@aol.com
Interest: RPGs-FFs,Anime*, Starseige Tribes, and Dragonball Z
Rank My Site(1-10): *-7-*
Favorite RPG: Final Fantasy 5
Favorite Color Chocobo: Boko-yellow
Favorite Type Greens: The kind Boko eats
Favorite Type Nuts: The kind Boko eats
Your site is great.
chocobo2468 - 12/25/99 03:54:51
My Email:chocobo2468@AOL.com
Interest: RPGs
Rank My Site(1-10): 10
Favorite RPG: Chrono Triger
Favorite Color Chocobo: gold
Chocobo are cool and I like how Choco Bob lets people adopt them.
Cloud Strife - 11/28/99 18:03:33
My Email:Smash36978@aol.com
Interest: In your website.. I mean, what?
Rank My Site(1-10): 9.25
Favorite RPG: Final Fantasy VII
Favorite Color Chocobo: Gold
Favorite Type Greens: Sylkis (or Tantal)
Favorite Type Nuts: Zeo (it may be spelled differently)
This website is on my favorite's list. I think thats all I need to say.
Waark-WARK - 08/17/99 21:07:17
Interest: wARRK WArrk warkwark waaarkk
Rank My Site(1-10): wark?
Favorite RPG: wark waark waaark
Favorite Color Chocobo: waaarrkkk
Favorite Type Greens: waaark wark-wArk
Favorite Type Nuts: wArkkWarrkkWarkk
Billy Bob - 06/22/99 14:05:22
My Email:loser@dumb.com
Evan Lieberman - 06/06/99 20:00:32
My Email:liebefam@aol.com
Interest: video games, skating
Rank My Site(1-10): 25
Favorite RPG: final fantasy vii, breath of fire III
Favorite Color Chocobo: gold
Favorite Type Nuts: kupo
hey scott how is it going! your site is pretty good and i like your tips for ff7.
Astos - 05/19/99 23:06:55
Interest: thievery
Rank My Site(1-10): -1.1
Favorite RPG: Final Fantasy
You will never get that crystal...
Dr. Unne - 05/19/99 22:58:58
Interest: Foreign Languages
Favorite RPG: Final Fantasy
Chocobos...what a wonderful species of bird!
Choco Bob - 03/17/99 01:45:57
Interest: RPGs
Rank My Site(1-10): 11!!!
Favorite RPG: Final Fantasy
Favorite Color Chocobo: Gold
Favorite Type Greens: Sylkis
Favorite Type Nuts: Zeio
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